Friday, November 5, 2010

Curriculum Page AR #5

This week in my Fundamentals of Technology for educators class we were asked to create a Curriculum page using a Wiki. As stated in our text book, a curriculum page is a “teacher created document that consist of hyperlinks to teacher-selected Websites that assist in teaching content-specific standards and objectives” (Gunter 2010). Because I hadn’t created a Curriculum page in a while I decided to look at some examples before I started. We were also provided with a Curriculum Page template to complete this activity.

I created my Wiki page using PBWorks for educators. Creating the Wiki was an easy process. I can’t say the same for creating the Curriculum page. When I initially looked at the temple for the curriculum page I must admit I was a little overwhelmed but once I began working on my Curriculum page it was rather easy and I was impressed at how user friendly this tool was. The only thing that surprised me about creating the Curriculum page was the amount of time that I spent creating it. When I began the assignment I didn’t think that it would take too long to complete because I already knew what my Curriculum would be based on. Once I started working I realize it would take longer than I thought.

My Curriculum page is based on a social studies digital storytelling project that my students created on the Native American culture. They were asked to research in groups the tribe of their chose and present their findings through a digital storytelling activity. Here is the link to my Curriculum page.

After completing this activity I must admit that I enjoyed creating my Curriculum page. Something that I learned from completing this activity is that a Curriculum page really comes in handy when planning a project or activity for your class. It also works well with making sure all of your academic standards are covered. All an all I feel that Curriculum pages are a great way to display information for projects and activities. This is something that I have worked with briefly in the past and will continue to utilize in the future. 

Shelly, G. & Gunter, G & Gunter, R. (2010). Teacher Discovering Computers Integrating technology and Digital Media in the Classroom. (6th Ed.) Cengage Learning


  1. Samantha,

    Very nice and simple and easy to use Wiki. The one recomendation that I have for it is some improved navagation. It would be nice not to just have the back button on my browser as a way to go back to the main page. Also, are you assuming that the 4th graders are proficient with power point or is that going to be taught in a previous lesson?

    I agree with you about how curriculum pages are easy ways to display good information. They are nice ways to allow your students to get their hands on the technology but not be able to get into too much danger. Like letting your kids play in a fenced in back-yard.

    Aaron H.

  2. I am really glad that i checked out your curriculum page. I have had a bit of trouble with mine. Especially when it comes to the layout and flow of it all. Having an introduction task process and evaluation seams to be a nice way to link all the steps together and that may be something that i borrow from you and try to incorporate into mine.

    I am curious as to how well the PB Works for educators wiki editing is compared to wiki-site. I had some real difficulties with that and it seams you managed it with ease. All and all looks like you are headed in the right direction with your project!

  3. Samantha,

    I was also a bit overwhelmed at the beginning of this activity. Having never before used a wiki, and with no real training in HTML, it was intimidating to see that blank white screen that was supposed to become a wonderful curriculum page! However, I had the same experience as you mentioned in finding that the wiki platform was actually very user friendly and the whole process was very simple and quick. I also decided to use the template to design my curriculum page.

    I like the idea you had about using this digital storytelling activity to integrate with your social studies curriculum. I also decided to use this activity with social studies in learning about early Florida explorers and early florida Indian tribes. What type of digital storytelling software would you plan on using for your activity? I think that Photostory is a great software program, and have actually been able to work with students who were using this software to complete a class digital story.

  4. I really like your wiki page. I also enjoyed creating mine, but had some concerns that it was wrong because it was such an easy project. LIke you I created my wiki with PBWorks. The site is very user friendly and easily navigated.
    Great job!
