Thursday, December 2, 2010

Turning Podcast into Spanish Lessons and Vice Versa

Using Podcast to teach lessons and provide extra instruction is something that I just had an discussion about in one of my classes, so it immediately caught my attention while browsing the internet when I saw an article about Podcast in the classroom. "Turning Podcast into Spanish Lessons and Vice Versa ", is an very informative and interesting article. This article is about the benefit of integrating Podcast into Spanish instruction. It describes how podcasts can enhance your Spanish students' language learning experience both in and out of the classroom. Many may wonder what exactly is Podcasting and how can it benefit academic instruction? Podcasting is a digital audio recording, posted on the Internet for download. The article discuss many ways to this technology can be integrated into the classroom.

Creating your own Podcasts for your students to listen to and download as part of their homework assignment. This is a great way for students to receive extra practice on basic vocabulary and comprehension. There are many time where as educators we don't have enough time in the week to provide days of extra practice in subject areas. Through Podcast students have a way to learn from home. Another activity the article discuss is to have students listen to Spanish learning podcasts and have them review or react to them. This is something that can be done with any subject area not just Spanish.

All and all I enjoyed this article. Podcast are something that I feel will become more and more popular in the future.I  must say I learned valuable information that I plan on integrating into my teaching instruction in the future.

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Final Project

Here is a link to my Final Project